Link fitness data with other companies’ apps

Epson View (iOS version, Android version) can be linked with the OS’s healthcare app (iOS: healthcare, Android: Google Fit). By linking with the healthcare app, Epson View can automatically acquire data such as weight from the healthcare app and omit the input. In addition, activity data measured by the wrist device can be integrated and managed by the healthcare app along with other data.

Data that can be copied from Epson View to the healthcare app

After linking the healthcare app, activity data uploaded to Epson View will be copied to the healthcare app as well.

Activity data list that can be copied to the healthcare app
Data Healthcare(iOS) Google Fit(Android)
Steps Yes Yes
Distance No No
Exercise time No No
Calories Burnt Yes *1 Yes *2
Sleep Yes *3 Yes *3
Heart rate Yes *4 Yes *4
Workout Yes *5 Yes *6

Data that can be copied from the healthcare app to Epson View

By linking with the healthcare app, data such as weight is copied from the healthcare app to Epson View. Data such as weight up to one year before the linkage setting is copied, and data newly registered in the healthcare application is also copied to Epson View. *7

List of fitness data that can be copied to Epson View
Data Healthcare(iOS) Google Fit(Android)
Weight Yes Yes
Body fat percentage Yes Yes
Calories Intake *8 Yes Yes

Operating procedure

  1. 1.Tap “More” at the bottom of the screen.

Link fitness data with other companies' apps

  1. 2.Tap “Link Other Apps”.

Link fitness data with other companies' apps

  1. 3. If using iOS,
    1. switch “Works with Healthcare” to ON.
    If using Android,
    1. switch “Works with GoogleFit” to ON.
  2. If you receive a message from Epson View asking for permission to access the healthcare application, select “accept”.

Link fitness data with other companies' apps

Link fitness data with other companies' apps

  • The information on this page is based on the survey results as of April 2019.

  • Other companies’ applications may display the recalculated value based on the data copied from Epson View. In this case, it may be different from the numerical value displayed in Epson View due to the calculation method in the other company’s application and the processing method of fractions.
  • Epson View will only retrieve data that has been granted access. The setting method of permission can be changed by the health care app of OS.
  • Activity data of Epson View and PULSENSE View are integrated and managed by our server. If you use both apps with the same Epson Global ID, when you link with the healthcare app in Epson View, the healthcare data also links with PULSENSE.
  • 1 Active calories burnt
  • 2 Total calories burnt
  • 3 Only the time and duration of sleep measured by the wrist device can be copied. Sleep quality is not copied.
  • 4 One heart rate data is copied per minute.
  • 5 Only distance, time, start date, end date, and calories burned. Swims and open water swims are not copied.
  • 6 Time, start date, end date, and calories only. Swims and open water swims are not copied.
  • 7 If data of the same date already exists in Epson View, it will be overwritten with the value of the healthcare app.
  • 8 Calories only after the date and time linked with the healthcare app.