Download and Install the App.

  • App Store
  • Google play

Open the App.

Open the App Open the App

Create an account.

Click “Create Account” and follow the instructions on screen.

Create an account

Pair your watch with the Epson View app.

Enable Bluetooth™ on your watch and follow the instructions on the app screen.

Pair your watch with the Epson View app Pair your watch with the Epson View app

Download the Epson View Uploader below on your computer.

The uploader application needs to be installed to upload data from your computer.


  • Epson View Sync DOWNLOAD

Run and install the file you downloaded.

Once the installer opens, follow the instructions on screen.


Connect the charger with your computer.

Place your watch into the charger as show in the image. Connect the charger’s USB plug into the USB port on your computer.

Connect the charger with your computer

Create an account.

Click “Create Account” and follow the instructions on screen.

Create an account